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Theoretical Foundation - Takens' Embedding Theorems

Apparently without knowing about the work of Packard et al., Floris Takens gave their approach a safe theoretical foundation [4]. Although different in details such as the dimension of the reconstructed phase space, the spirit of his work is much the same. Perhaps inspired by Whitney's embedding theorem, which states that every $m$-dimensional manifold (of class ${\cal C}^r$, $2\leq r\leq\infty$) can be embedded (via a ${\cal C}^r$ diffeomorphism) in $(2m+1)$-dimensional Euclidean space3, Takens proposed to embed the attractor-manifold $M$ (i.e. the $m$-dimensional manifold which contains the attractor $A$) in ${\bf R}^{2m+1}$. A smooth map $\Phi:M_1\to M_2$, where $M_1$ and $M_2$ are smooth manifolds, embeds $M_1$ in $M_2$ (``is an embedding'') if $\Phi$ is a diffeomorphism from $M_1$ to a smooth submanifold of $M_2$. $M_2$ is called the embedding space; the embedding dimension is $\dim(M_2)$. Notice that, in general, we have $\dim(M_1)\neq\dim(M_2)$4. The notion of embeddings comes into the game here, since one can think of $\Phi(M_1)$ as being the realization of $M_1$ as a submanifold of $M_2$: The topological structures of $M_1$ and $\Phi(M_1)\subset M_2$ are diffeomorphically equivalent. See Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Ex...
...feomorphism $\Phi:M_1\to M_2$.
}%% end of \parbox

This means that if we can find, using Takens' method, the embedding $\Phi$ which maps from $M$ to ${\bf R}^{2m+1}$ then we can analyze the structure of the trajectory of the dynamical system in ${\bf R}^{2m+1}$ and then easily from this infer properties of the actual trajectory on the attractor in $M$. Consider, for example, the dynamical system in eq. (1); the embedding $\Phi$ would tell us that there is a dynamical system
$\displaystyle \quad
G : {\bf R}^{2m+1}$ $\textstyle \to$ $\displaystyle {\bf R}^{2m+1}$  
$\displaystyle \frac{dz}{dt}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle G(z)$ (14)
$\displaystyle z$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \Phi(y) \quad,$  

and it follows already from ``topological equivalence'' (for which we even only need to have a homeomorphism $\Phi$ instead of a diffeomorphism) that [7]:

The dynamical systems of eqs. (1) and (14) are said to have the same qualitative dynamics. This situation is represented pictorially in Fig. 3.

$\textstyle \parbox{12cm}{
Figure 3. Two dynamical systems with the same quali...
dynamics, connected via the diffeomorphism
$\Phi:M\to{\bf R}^{2m+1}$.
It is especially nice to have the embedding $\Phi$ if one wants to characterize the dynamics of the system quantitatively: In this case the dimensions (Hausdorff, topological, correlation, ...) of the attractor in $M$ and in ${\bf R}^{2m+1}$ are the same [8]. Takens stated the following theorem (theorem 2 in [4]):
Given a compact $m$-dimensional manifold $M$, with $F:M\to TM$ a ${\cal C}^2$-vector field ($F$ being the generating vector field of the flow $\varphi_t$) and $v:M\to {\bf R}$ a ${\cal C}^2$-function, define
$\displaystyle \quad
\Phi_{(F,v)}$ $\textstyle :$ $\displaystyle M \to {\bf R}^{2m+1}$  
$\displaystyle \Phi_{(F,v)}(y)$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \Bigl( v(y),v(\varphi_1(y)),\ldots,v(\varphi_{2m}(y))
\Bigr)^T \quad.$ (15)

Then, generically, $\Phi_{(F,v)}$ is an embedding. Here, the term ``generically'' is of central importance: The proof of this theorem is based on the idea that, if $\Phi_{(F,v)}$ is an embedding, then for all points $y\in M$ the co-vectors
\Bigl(dv\Bigr)(y), \ \Bigl(d(v\varphi_1)\Bigr)(y), \ \ \ldots, \
\end{displaymath} (16)

must span the cotangent space $T_y^*(M)$. This is ensured if one requires $F$ to fulfill the following conditions:
(i) for all points $y\in M$ with $F(y)=0$ all eigenvalues of $\left(d\varphi_1)\right)(y)$ must be different and not equal to one;
(ii) no periodic integral curve of $F$ (i.e. solution $y(t)$ of eq. (1)) must have an integer period $\leq 2m+1$.
Takens argues that these conditions are generically met by $F$; i.e. practically all functions $F$ meet these conditions5, because the cases excluded by (i) and (ii) are structually unstable: If one adds only a very small perturbation to $F$ then the very special situation of degenerate eigenvalues will be destroyed and one will get two different eigenvalues instead. This is comparable to the non-generic case that a smooth function has a double zero: one can get two different zeroes by changing the function ``a little''. Similarly it is non-generic that one of the eigenvalues is 1, since a nearby function $\tilde F$ will have a corresponding eigenvalue $1+\varepsilon$ instead. A situation as in (ii) can be changed by adding a small perturbation as well6. So we can say that usually the situations (i) and (ii) do not occur; hence it makes sense to speak of generic $F$ giving rise to $\Phi_{(F,v)}$ being an embedding. What are the conclusions to be drawn from this theorem? The theorem considers a time series which is sampled in regular time intervals as measurements of the observable $v$ at times $t=0,1,2,\dots$. According to Takens' theorem one can construct a $(2m+1)$-dimensional vector $\Phi_{(F,v)}(y)$ from the data and this vector is equivalent to the vector $y$ representing the system on the manifold $M$ which contains the attractor (the attractor is assumed to be simple enough such that it can be contained in a compact manifold). This equivalence is mathematically described by the diffeomorphism $\Phi_{(F,v)}$. So we have
y \in M \ \ & \stackrel{\Phi_{(F,v)}}{\...
...f R}^{2m+1}
& \ldots & \nonumber

(At this stage, we are still restricted to $\tau=1$, but below we will show that, in fact, nearly every $\tau\in{\bf R}_+$ can be chosen.) The difference between Packard's conjecture und Takens' approach is that Takens requires the embedding space to have a higher dimension $(2m+1)$ than one would ad hoc expect ($m$). This requirement ensures that the embedding exists7, but of course it still may be possible to get reasonable results with a smaller embedding dimension, as one can see for example from Packard's numerical results. Takens proves two further theorems which give similar results: One of these theorems justifies the method of delays for maps (systems defined by eq. (5)) instead of flows (systems like eq. (1), as considered in the above theorem); the other one works with embeddings reconstructed using time derivatives of the observable and corresponds to Packard's second proposed method (eq. (11)): In both cases it is again possible, under genericity assumptions for $\varphi$ and $F$, to embed $M$ in $(2m+1)$-dimensional Euclidean space8. We have for the derivative method:
$\displaystyle y \in M \ \ $ $\textstyle \ \stackrel{\Phi_{(F,v)}}{\Longleftrightarrow} \ \ $ $\displaystyle \left(v_0,\dot v_0,\ddot v_0,\ldots,
\in {\bf R}^{2m+1}$  
$\displaystyle \varphi_\tau(y) \in M \ \ $ $\textstyle \ \stackrel{\Phi_{(F,v)}}{\Longleftrightarrow} \ \ $ $\displaystyle \left(v_1,\dot v_1,\ddot v_1,\ldots,
\in {\bf R}^{2m+1}$ (17)
$\displaystyle \varphi_{2\tau}(y) \in M \ \ $ $\textstyle \ \stackrel{\Phi_{(F,v)}}{\Longleftrightarrow} \ \ $ $\displaystyle \left(v_2,\dot v_2,\ddot v_2,\ldots,
\in {\bf R}^{2m+1}$  
  $\textstyle \ldots$    

So both methods suggested by Packard rather intuitively are hereby justified, although slightly altered. With all these theorems one knows how to construct meaningful phase space vectors from one-dimensional data which has been measured with the sampling time $\tau=1$. This result is interesting but not exhaustive, because one would like to have the possibility of adjusting $\tau$ to each individual situation rather than having to fix it at some given value; also there is obviously no physical reason for giving this very special role to the unit time interval. So we would like to generalize the above result to arbitrary time steps $\tau$. Additionally, the important question if one can really reconstruct the attractor of the dynamical system still remains unanswered. It is not clear at all that the reconstructed phase space vectors tend to the same attractor as the picture of the actual flow $\varphi_t(y)$ of the dynamical system does. For example it could be that the reconstructed vectors visit only a part of the attractor's equivalent in ${\bf R}^{2m+1}$. The reason for these doubts is that one is not using measurements which are made at random times (This would give rise to the assumption that all these measurements together actually give a true picture of all parts of the system's trajectory.) but at equidistant times. So one has to be aware of the possibility that this very special selection of data points could result in non-equivalence of the original and the reconstructed attractors. This uncertainty would mark a fundamental flaw of the attempt to get a geometrical picture of the attractor, but, fortunately, Takens provides us here with a theorem, too, which solves both problems. This theorem (theorem 4 in [4]) says that, for a compact manifold $M$, a vector field $F$ on $M$ with the flow $\varphi_t$ and for $y\in M$, the attractors for the point $p$ of the flow $\varphi_t$ and of the mapping $\varphi_{\tau\cdot i},
\tau\in{\bf R}_+, i=0,1,2,\ldots$ are the same, generically. The term ``generically'' refers in this case to the number $\tau$ and means that the theorem is true for ``almost all'' positive real numbers $\tau$. Only for a small subset of ${\bf R}_+$ the theorem does not hold, and the probability of choosing ``accidentally'' one of the elements of this subset is zero. Thus both of the above problems are solved hereby; the theorem tells us that we actually can use a time series with a sampling time which we are free to choose, and despite of the discretization of the original continuous flow the limit of $\varphi_{\tau\cdot i}$ is really equivalent to the original attractor. So eq. (18) and (19) hold for nearly all $\tau$. Summarizing the results of this section we have seen that, given a time series of infinite length, one can construct (using e.g. the method of delays) in practically all cases (i.e. ``generically'') an infinite series of vectors the limit set of which is diffeomorphically equivalent to the attractor of the original dynamical system. The embedding process which gives this result is summarized in Fig. 4.

$\textstyle \parbox{12cm}{
Figure 4. Embedding process after Packard et al. and Takens.
One has to stress that this result is somewhat theoretical, since talking about limit sets and attractors requires an infinitely long time of observation and thus an infinitely long time series: The last theorem does not give a hint how many data points or reconstructed phase space vectors one needs to get an approximation which is ``good'' enough for the ``diffeomorphical equivalence'' to be true at least approximately. What is more, it is implicitely assumed that transient initial behaviour has died away and that the measured time series really corresponds only to phase states on the attractor. Obviously this can be only an approximation to any real experimental situation where one will always have trajectories which are near to the attractor (whatever that means in each individual case) but not on it. No general information can be given how long we must wait to be sure that the the trajectory is near enough to the attractor, so it is necessary to investigate this problem in each case individually. Also, the above treatment implicitely assumes error-free measurements; the accuracy of the time series is not being questioned but taken for granted. In the next section, we will deal with these problems in more detail.


... space3
For details about Whitney's theorem see e.g. [1].
... $\dim(M_1)\neq\dim(M_2)$4
Refer to [2], for example, for a thorough treatment of embeddings.
... conditions5
One can interpret the term ``generically'' in this case as follows: Consider the function space $W$ of all ${\cal C}^2$-functions $F$ which map from $M$ into $TM$; then every subset of $W$ consisting only of functions which do not meet condition (i) and (ii) has zero measure in $W$.
... well6
As hinted by Broomhead and King [7] it is not perfectly clear on generic grounds that one can exclude solutions with integer periods $\leq 2m+1$: In general one cannot argue that a perturbation of the generating function $F$ will automatically change the period of the flow. Broomhead and King circumvent this problem by not considering $\tau$ to be fixed; instead they make it small enough so that Takens' period-condition is met. See section 3.4.3.
... exists7
For attractors with a simple geometric structure a smaller embedding dimension may be sufficient, but the more complicated the structure of $A$ is (e.g. if the attractor is Cantor set-like or if there are many ``backfoldings'') the higher the embedding dimension must be [5]. The importance of Takens' result is that, no matter how complex the structure of $A$, $2m+1$ dimensions always suffice.
... space8
There is one peculiarity for the method using time derivatives: Here, $F$ and $v$ must be at least ${\cal C}^{2m+1}$-functions, and this stricter requirement may become a problem if the system or the observable are not that ``well-behaved''.

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Martin_Engel 2000-05-25